per AKHIR BURSA 2019, 30 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading YEAR 2019, the trading results, as follows: 🍈 per tgl 27 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows: 🍉 per tgl 23 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows: 🍉 per tgl 20 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows: 🍒 per tgl 19 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results amid the IMPEACHMENT of PRESIDENT TRUMP, as follows: 🍉 per tgl 18 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows: 🍅 per tgl 17 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows: 🍑 per tgl 16 Des 2019: 🍓 per tgl 13 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows: 🍇 per tgl 12 Des 2019: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows: 🍇 per tgl 11 Des 2019: 🍈 per tgl 10 Des 20
era ihsg 6K akan meninggalkan era 5K, stlah cuma 2 taon aza berkutat di rentang ihsg 5K-6K ... liat aza lah :)