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ihsg per tgl 15 September 2015 (imbas SUKU BUNGA)

INILAHCOM, Jakarta-Pada sesi pertama perdagangan Selasa (15/9/2015) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melemah 52,308 poin (1,19%) ke angka 4.338,065.

Sepanjang perdagangan sesi pertama, indeks mencapai level tertingginya di 4.376,782 atau melemah 13,591 poin dan mencapai level terendahnya 4.334,835 atau melemah 55,538 poin.

Sebanyak 53 saham menguat, 174 saham turun, 71 saham stagnan, dan 257 saham tidak ditransaksikan.

Semua indeks saham kompak mendukung pelemahan IHSG. Antara lain, indeks saham-saham unggulan LQ45 yang turun 11,746 poin (1,580%) ke angka 731,628; IDX30 turun 6,312 poin (1,628%) ke angka 381,37;

MBX turun 15,977 poin (1,278%) ke angka 1.233,912; DBX turun 3,867 poin(0,581%) ke posisi 661,575; dan saham-saham syariah yang tergabung dalam indeks JII turun 10,43 poin (1,763%) ke angka 581,249.

Nilai transaksi di pasar reguler mencapai Rp1,3 triliun dan di pasar negosiasi mencapai Rp505,3 miliar.

Sementara itu, investor asing mencatatkan pembelian saham senilai Rp463,7 miliar dan penjualan saham senilai Rp675,4 miliar. Alhasil, investor asing mencatatkan penjualan saham bersih (net foreign sell) senilai Rp211,7 miliar. [jin] - See more at:
 JAKARTA. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dibuka negatif pada transaksi perdagangan pagi ini (15/9). Mengutip data RTI, pada pukul 09.10 WIB, indeks tercatat turun 0,78% menjadi 4.356,03.

Hampir seluruh sektor memberikan sinyal merah. Tiga sektor dengan penurunan terbesar yakni: sektor barang konsumen turun 1,45%, sektor manufaktur turun 1,15%, dan sektor industri dasar turun 1,01%. Satu-satunya sektor yang positif hanya sektor agrikultur dengan kenaikan 0,39%.

Saham-saham yang menduduki posisi top gainers pagi ini di antaranya: PT Jaya Pari Steel Tbk (JPRS) turun 8,98% menjadi Rp 152, PT Inti Agri Resources Tbk (IIKP) turun 7,74% menjadi Rp 715, dan PT Intermedia Kapital Tbk (MDIA) turun 7,41% menjadi Rp 2.500.

Sementara itu, bursa Asia dibuka menguat. Mengutip data Bloomberg, pada pukul 09.03 waktu Tokyo, indeks MSCI Asia Pacific naik 0,2% menjadi 127,53.

Kenaikan bursa Asia seiring adanya prediksi mengenai kebijakan stimulus yang akan diumumkan Bank of Japan pada hari ini. Hasil survei Bloomberg menunjukkan, dua dari 35 ekonom memprediksi BOJ akan kembali menggelontorkan stimulus ekstra ke pasar finansial. Sementara, 11 ekonom meramal, BOJ baru akan memberikan stimulus tambahan pada pertemuan 30 Oktober mendatang. Adapun 13 ekonom lainnya tak memprediksi adanya pemberian stimulus oleh bank sentral.

Sementara, trader lainnya tak yakin the Fed akan menaikkan suku bunga acuannya pada pertemuan 16-17 September mendatang.

"Setiap orang benar-benar menunggu keputusan the Fed. Pergerakan pasar benar-benar akan digerakkan oleh keputusan yang diambil the Fed," jelas Chris Green, strategist First NZ Capital Ltd yang berbasis di Auckland.

Sekadar tambahan informasi, indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia naik 0,1% setelah Malcolm Turnbull menjadi Perdana Menteri Australia yang baru pada Senin (14/9) malam. Sedangkan indeks Kospi tak banyak mencatatkan perubahan dan indeks NZX 50 Selandia Baru naik 0,2%.

Sumber : KONTAN.CO.ID, JAKARTA- Sucorinvest memperkirakan indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) pada perdagangan hari ini, Selasa (15/9/2015) bergerak di kisaran 4.374-4.407
Equity Analyst Sucorinvest Achmad Yaki Yamani mengatakan muncul bullish hammer candle, MACD dan MO bergerak naik, RSI menguatd dan Stochastic bergerak turun, dan penguatan harga kemarin diikuti dengan penurunan volume perdagangan.
“Hari ini secara teknikal kami perkirakan IHSG bergerak berfluktuasi menguat, dibayangi aksi profit taking,” kata Yaki dalam risetnya.
Sentimen yang mempengaruhi gerak indeks adalah ketidak pastian akan kenaikan suku bunga the Fed menjelang pertemuan the Fed di minggu ini, dan melemahnya data ekonomi China yang dirilis membuat investor khawatir dan menjadi sentimen penekan indeks regional dan global.
“Selain itu pelemahan harga komoditas menjadi sentimen lain penekan indeks. Pelemahan rupiah menjadi sentimen lokal yang juga ikut menekan indeks,” kata Yaki..
“Saham-saham yang bisa dipertimbangkan untuk trading BMTR, INDF, INTP, TLKM dan UNVR,“ kata Yaki.
JAKARTA kontan. Sembari menunggu hasil rapat Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), indek harga saham gabungan (IHSG) masih berpeluang melanjutkan penguatan besok Selasa (15/9). Hari ini Senin (14/9) IHSG ditutup menguat 0,69% ke level 4.390,38
Muhammad Wafi, Analis Bahana Securities menilai penguatan IHSG didukung oleh aksi net buy asing yang pertama di bulan ini, yaitu sebesar Rp 100 miliar. Meski demikian, volume perdagangan hari ini cenderung sepi lantaran pasar sedang wait and see menunggu hasil rapat FOMC.
Purwoko Sartono, Analis Panin Sekuritas senada, menurutnya investor sedang wait and see menunggu hasil putusan FOMC yang mengonfirmasi kenaikan suku bunga The Fed pada bulan September. Menurutnya, jika suku bunga The Fed tak kunjung naik maka dapat memperpanjang ketidakpastian di pasar.
Purwoko memprediksi, IHSG dalam jangka pendek atau besok Selasa (15/9) IHSG dapat kembali menguat dalam rentang 4.350 – 4.420.
Sementara, Wafi juga memprediksi IHSG besok berpotensi menguat, namun volume perdagangan masih akan cenderung sepi. Prediksinya besok IHSG akan bergerak dalam rentang 4.344 – 4.425.
Editor: Yudho Winarto.
NEW YORK kontan. Mayoritas saham yang diperdagangkan di bursa AS berakhir negatif pada transaksi tadi malam (14/9). Mengutip data Bloomberg, pada pukul 16.00 waktu New York, indeks Standard & Poor's 500 tertekan 0,4% menjadi 1.953,03. Sepanjang pekan lalu, indeks tercatat naik 2,1%.
Sedangkan indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 0,4% menjadi 16.370,96. Adapun Nasdaq Composite Index tertekan 0,3%. Transaksi tadi malam melibatkan sekitar 5,4 miliar saham, atau 25% di bawah volume transaksi rata-rata tiga bulanan.
Pergerakan sejumlah saham turut mempengaruhi bursa AS. Beberapa di antaranya yakni Yahoo! Inc dan Alibaba Group Holding Ltd yang jatuh setidaknya 3,1%. Selain itu, Netflix Inc juga mencatatkan penurunan  sebesar 1,9%. Secara sektoral, sektor energi dan bahan baku anjlok akibat penurunan harga komoditas. Meski demikian, ada pula saham yang mencatatkan kenaikan, seperti Apple Inc sebesar 1%.
Bursa AS tertekan karena investor masih menunggu keputusan kebijakan the Federal Reserve pada Kamis (17/9) mendatang. Pelaku pasar ingin mengetahui apakah perekonomian global dan guncangan pasar finansial dapat bertahan dari kenaikan suku bunga AS.
"Saya rasa yang kita liat sekarang adalah perang sentimen di pasar. Tidak ada yang berarti hingga kita mengetahui apa yang akan the Fed lakukan. Saya rasa pekan ini menjadi pekan yang menyenangkan," jelas Michael Gayed, the chief investment strategist Pension Partners LLC di New York.
Hingga saat ini, investor masih optimistis the Fed akan menaikkan suku bunga acuannya pada tahun ini. Meski demikian, banyak dari mereka yang percaya, kebijakan itu belum akan dilakukan pada pertemuan 16-17 September ini.
Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah.
Sumber: Bloomberg
washington post: 
NEW YORK — More signs of slowing economic growth in China weighed on companies that produce raw materials on Monday, pulling the stock market to a slight loss. Trading was light as investors looked ahead to a much-anticipated Federal Reserve meeting later this week.
Brad McMillan, chief investment officer for the Commonwealth Financial Network, said the market was likely to drift until the Fed wraps up its meeting on Thursday. “Everybody is waiting to see what happens when and if the Fed raises rates.”
Until recently, many in the markets thought that the Fed would raise its benchmark interest rate at the end of its two-day meeting on Thursday. Now, opinions are split. Some analysts suggest China’s slower economy and turbulence in financial markets might prompt the Fed to postpone its first rate increase since 2006. But the Fed’s deputy chairman, Stanley Fischer, recently said he saw a “pretty strong case” for raising rates.
Major U.S. indexes opened higher, then quickly changed course. They sank slowly through the rest of the morning and remained lower through the remainder of the day. Miners and other materials companies had some of the biggest losses. Metals companies Alcoa and Nucor dropped 3 percent, while Freeport-McMoRan lost 2 percent.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 index lost 8.02 points, or 0.4 percent, to close at 1,953.03.
The Dow Jones industrial average gave up 62.13 points, or 0.4 percent, to 16,370.96, and the Nasdaq composite fell 16.58 points, or 0.3 percent, to 4,805.76.
Apple reported strong demand for its latest iPhones, driving its stock up. The tech giant said that initial sales of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are on track to beat the tally from last year, when it sold a record 10 million large-screen iPhones during the first weekend. Apple climbed $1.10, or 1 percent, to $115.31.
In Europe, Germany’s DAX closed with a gain of 0.1 percent while France’s CAC-40 lost 0.7 percent. The FTSE 100 index of leading British shares slipped 0.5 percent.
Two economic reports out Sunday rekindled concerns over China’s economic slowdown. Factory output and investment grew at a slower pace than forecast. China’s main stock index, the Shanghai Composite, took another hard fall on Monday, dropping 2.7 percent
Elsewhere, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng added 0.3 percent. Japan’s Nikkei 225 lost 1.6 percent, and South Korea’s Kospi lost 0.5 percent.
Back in the U.S., Raptor Pharmaceuticals lost more than a third of its market value after the drug developer said it may scrap development of a liver disease treatment because it failed to pass a key test. The company’s stock plunged $4.51, or 37 percent, to $7.52.
Prices for U.S. government bonds barely moved. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was little changed at 2.18 percent.
In commodities markets, industrial metals finished lower while precious metals ended mixed. Gold gained $4.40 to settle at $1,107.70 an ounce, and silver sank 14 cents to $14.36 an ounce. Copper dropped 5 cents to $2.41 a pound.
The price of oil fell on weakness in the gasoline market brought on by high fuel supplies and the end of the summer driving season. U.S. crude fell 63 cents to close at $44 a barrel in New York. Brent Crude, a benchmark for international oils used by many U.S. refineries, fell $1.77 to close at $46.37 a barrel in London.
In other futures trading in New York:
— Wholesale gasoline fell 6.6 cents to close at $1.304 a gallon.
— Heating oil fell 4.6 cents to close at $1.504 a gallon.
— Natural gas rose 6.5 cents to close at $2.758 per 1,000 cubic feet.

By Chris Seabury | November 06, 2008 AAA
Changes in interest rates can have both positive and negative effects on the U.S. markets. When the Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) changes the rate at which banks borrow money, this has a ripple effect across the entire economy. Below, we will examine how interest rates can have an effect on the economy as a whole, the stock and bond markets, inflation and recessions.
Tutorial: Economics Indicators To Know
How Interest Rates Affect Spending
With every loan, there is a possibility that the borrower will not repay the money. To compensate lenders for that risk, there must be a reward: interest. Interest is the amount of money that lenders earn when they make a loan that the borrower repays, and the interest rate is the percentage of the loan amount that the lender charges to lend money.
The existence of interest allows borrowers to spend money immediately, instead of waiting to save the money to make a purchase. The lower the interest rate, the more willing people are to borrow money to make big purchases, such as houses or cars. When consumers pay less in interest, this gives them more money to spend, which can create a ripple effect of increased spending throughout the economy. Businesses and farmers also benefit from lower interest rates, as it encourages them to make large equipment purchases due to the low cost of borrowing. This creates a situation where output and productivity increase. (Traders rejoice when the Fed drops the rate, but is it good news for all? Find out in How Do Interest Rate Cuts Affect Consumers?)
Conversely, higher interest rates mean that consumers don't have as much disposable income and must cut back on spending. When higher interest rates are coupled with increased lending standards, banks make fewer loans. This affects not only consumers, but also businesses and farmers, who cut back on spending for new equipment, thus slowing productivity or reducing the number of employees. The tighter lending standards mean that consumers will cut back on spending, and this will affect many businesses' bottom lines. This will cause the businesses to reduce the number of employees that they have and to hold off on any major equipment purchases. (For more information, read How Much Influence Does The Fed Have?)
The Effect of Interest Rates on Inflation and Recessions
Whenever interest rates are rising or falling, you commonly hear about the federal funds rate. This is the rate that banks use to lend each other money. It can change daily, and because this rate's movement affects all other loan rates, it is used as an indicator to show whether interest rates are rising or falling.
These changes can affect both inflation and recessions. Inflation refers to the rise in the price of goods and services over time. It is the result of a strong and healthy economy. However, if inflation is left unchecked, it can lead to a significant loss of purchasing power.
To help keep inflation manageable, the Fed watches inflation indicators such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Producer Price Index (PPI). When these indicators start to rise more than 2-3% a year, the Fed will raise the federal funds rate to keep the rising prices under control. Because higher interest rates mean higher borrowing costs, people will eventually start spending less. The demand for goods and services will then drop, which will cause inflation to fall. (Find out why economists are torn about how to calculate inflation in The Consumer Price Index Controversy.)
A good example of this occurred between 1981 and 1982. Inflation was at 14% a year and the Fed raised interest rates to 20%. This caused a severe recession, but it did put an end to the spiraling inflation that the country was seeing. Conversely, falling interest rates can cause recessions to end. When the Fed lowers the federal funds rate, borrowing money becomes cheaper; this entices people to start spending again.
A good example of this occurred from 2001 to 2002, when the Fed cut the federal funds rate to 1.25%. This greatly contributed to the economy's 2003 recovery. By raising and lowering the federal funds rate, the Fed can prevent runaway inflation and lessen the severity of recessions. (To learn more, read The Federal Reserve's Fight Against Recession and The Impact Of Recession On Businesses.)
How Interest Rates Affect the U.S. Stock and Bond Markets
Investors have a wide variety of investment options. When comparing the average dividend yield on a blue-chip stock to the interest rate on a certificate of deposit (CD) or the yield on a U.S. Treasury bond (T-bonds), investors will often choose the option that provides the highest rate of return. The current federal funds rate tends to determine how investors will invest their money, as the returns on both CDs and T-bonds are affected by this rate.

Rising or falling interest rates also affect consumer and business psychology. When interest rates are rising, both businesses and consumers will cut back on spending. This will cause earnings to fall and stock prices to drop. On the other hand, when interest rates have fallen significantly, consumers and businesses will increase spending, causing stock prices to rise.
Interest rates also affect bond prices. There is an inverse relationship between bond prices and interest rates, meaning that as interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and as interest rates fall, bond prices rise. The longer the maturity of the bond, the more it will fluctuate in relation to interest rates. (Learn the basic rules that govern how bonds are priced in Bond Market Pricing Conventions.)
One way that governments and businesses raise money is through the sale of bonds. As interest rates move up, the cost of borrowing becomes more expensive. This means that demand for lower-yield bonds will drop, causing their price to drop. As interest rates fall, it becomes easier to borrow money and many companies will issue new bonds to finance expansion. This will cause the demand for higher-yielding bonds to increase, forcing bond prices higher. Issuers of callable bonds may choose to refinance by calling their existing bonds so they can lock in a lower interest rate.
ConclusionInterest rates affect the economy by influencing stock and bond interest rates, consumer and business spending, inflation, and recessions. However, it is important to understand that there is generally a 12-month lag in the economy, meaning that it will take at least 12 months for the effects of any increase or decrease in interest rates to be felt. By adjusting the federal funds rate, the Fed helps keep the economy in balance over the long term. Understanding the relationship between interest rates and the U.S. economy will allow us to understand the big picture and make better investment decisions. (For related reading, see How Interest Rates Affect The Stock Market, Trying To Predict Interest Rates and It's In Your Interest.)


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