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Kejar MAKSI @ ot C (2020)

per tgl 02 Juli 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 01 Juli 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 30 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading month, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 29 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 26 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 25 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 23 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 22 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 19 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 18 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 17 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 16 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading  day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 15 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 12 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 11 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 10 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 09 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 08 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 05 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 04 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 03 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 02 Juni 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 29 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 28 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 27 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 26 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 20 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading week (on the eve of long season holiday), the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 19 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 18 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 15 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 14 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:
secara relatif, tren kenaekan (perubahan) persentase antar variabel : IHSG, Jumlah Lot, Laba Potensial, n Nilai Aset Saham Total. Walo tren kenaekan IHSG amat MINIM, JO mlalui inves + trading ttap sukses MELIPATGANDAKAN variabel laennya. 

per tgl 13 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 12 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 11 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 08 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 06 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows;

per tgl 04 Mei 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 30 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 28 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 27 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 24 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 23 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 22 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 21 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 20 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 17 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 16 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 15 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 14 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 13 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 09 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 08 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 07 Apr 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 06 April 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 03 April 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 02 April 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 01 April 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 31 Mar 2020:
@ the end of trading month, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 30 Mar 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 27 Mar 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 26 Mar 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 24 Mar 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 23 Mar 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 20 Mar 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 19/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 18/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 17/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 16/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 12/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 11/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 10/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 09/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 06/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 04/03/2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 03 / 03/ 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 26 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day (KIAMAT finansial makin DKAT, katanya), the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 25 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 24 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 21 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 20 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 19 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows;

per tgl 17 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 14 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 13 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 12 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 11 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 07 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 06 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 05 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 04 Feb 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 03 Februari 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 31 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 30 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 29 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 28 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 27 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 22 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 21 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 17 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 16 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 15 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:
sdikit penjelasan:
pasca tgl 17 Januari 2018, JO s4 ambil tunai portofolio masuk rekening sendiri per Juli 2019. Nah, jika dijumlahkan penarikan tunai tersebut dengan TUNAI PORTOFOLIO per tgl 15 Januari 2020, maka perbandingan nilai Rp antara tunai per tgl 01 Maret 2012 n tunai+ withdrawal  per tgl 15 Januari 2020 ternyata terjadi kenaekan nilai sebesar 4018% (40 kali lipat 2020 on 2012).

per tgl 14 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 13 Jan 2020:

per tgl 10 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading week, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 08 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 06 Jan 2020:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:

per tgl 03 Jan 2020:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results, as follows:


per tgl 02 Januari 2020 (Happy Relieved from THE UNPREPARED GOVERNANCES @ flood):
@ the end of the 1st day of trading, the trading results, as follows:


  1. TESTIFIER: Zulaikha Yugesh
    Pinjaman Hibah: Rp600.000.000
    Warga negara Malaysia dan tinggal di Indonesia

    Email perusahaan:
    Customer Calls: +1-323-689-3663
    Whatsapp:   +1-323-689-3663

    Damai selalu bersamamu! Nama saya Bu Zulaikha Yugesh, warga negara Malaysia dan tinggal di Indonesia. Saya ingin bersaksi tentang pemberi pinjaman yang baik yang menunjukkan kepada saya bahwa setelah ditipu oleh 4 kreditor internet yang berbeda, mereka semua berjanji untuk memberi saya pinjaman setelah membuat saya membayar begitu banyak sehingga saya tidak mendapatkan apa-apa dan jumlahnya tidak positif.

    Saya kehilangan uang yang saya peroleh dengan susah payah dan mendapat Rp18.000.000 Suatu hari ketika saya menjelajah internet secara misterius, saya menemukan seorang lelaki kesaksian yang juga tertipu dan akhirnya terhubung dengan perusahaan pinjaman yang sah bernama Mother RIKA ANDERSON LOAN COMPANY ( ) di mana dia akhirnya mendapatkan pinjaman, jadi saya memutuskan untuk menghubungi RIKA ANDERSON LOAN COMPANY yang sama dan kemudian menceritakan kisah saya tentang bagaimana saya ditipu oleh 4 peminjam berbeda yang tidak melakukan apa pun selain membuat saya sakit.

    Saya menjelaskan kepada perusahaan melalui pos dan semua yang mereka katakan kepada saya tidak perlu menangis karena saya akan mendapatkan pinjaman di perusahaan mereka dan juga saya membuat pilihan yang tepat untuk menghubungi mereka.
    Saya mengisi formulir aplikasi pinjaman dan meneruskan semua permintaan saya dan meminjamkan Rp600.000.000 oleh Perusahaan Hebat ini (RIKA ANDERSON LOAN COMPANY) yang dioperasikan oleh Ms. RIKA ANDERSON dan di sini saya senang hari ini dengan keluarga saya karena Ibu Rika memiliki pinjaman dengan saya . 

  2. Di RIKA ANDERSON LOAN COMPANY, kami menawarkan semua jenis bantuan kewangan kepada semua individu, kadar faedah kami adalah 2% setiap tahun. Kami juga memberikan nasihat dan bantuan kewangan kepada kami pelanggan dan pemohon Sekiranya anda mempunyai projek yang baik atau ingin memulakan perniagaan dan memerlukan pinjaman untuk membiayai dengan segera, kami dapat membincangkannya, menandatangani kontrak, dan kemudian membiayai projek atau perniagaan anda untuk anda bersama-sama dengan Bank Dunia dan Bank Industri.

    Kategori Perniagaan

    Perniagaan Merchandising.
    Perniagaan pembuatan
    Perniagaan Hibrid.
    Perniagaan tunggal
    Syarikat terhad.
    pinjaman peribadi.
    pinjaman pelaburan.
    Pinjaman Pinjaman.
    Kredit pemilikan rumah.

    Laman web:
    Panggilan Pelanggan: (+1) 323 689-3663
    Sembang Whatsapp: (+1) 323-689-3663
    Facebook: Rika Anderson Alfreda
    Instagram: Rikaandersonloancompany.alfred
    Twitter: @LoanRika
    Ibu Pejabat: 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, Amerika Syarikat
    Cukai / CAC /: 1095/0730/2028
    Mahkamah Agung Daerah New York, NY9016 34001

  3. Hello, my name is BOVIN INDAH, I live in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. I was a victim of fraud at the hands of a fake lender. I lost about 6 million because I needed a large capital of IDR 800,000,000. I almost died, I had nowhere to go and my business was destroyed, and in the process I lost my two children.

    I can't stand this happening again. On May 1, 2020, I saw a loan testimonial from a sister and I was introduced to a good mother, namely Ms. Rika Anderson Loan, who finally helped me get a loan at a company. Dear Mother, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude, and may God continue to bless you.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to let my fellow Indonesians know that there are a lot of scammers out there, so if you need a loan, and want to get a loan fast, simply sign up through

    Mrs. Rika Anderson Loan by email:
    Whatsapp: +13236893663
    Countries: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
    Total: IDR 800,000,000
    Year: May 1, 2020
    this email:


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ihsg per tgl 2-17 OKTOBER 2017 (pra BULLISH November-Desember 2017)_01/10/2019

  RIBUAN PERSEN PLUS @ warteg ot B gw (2015-2017) ada yang + BELASAN RIBU PERSEN (Januari 2017-Oktober 2017) kalo bneran, bulan OKTOBER terjadi CRA$H @ IHSG, well, gw malah bakal hepi banget jadi BURUNG PEMAKAN BANGKAI lah ... pasca diOCEHIN BANYAK ANALIS bahwa VALUASI SAHAM ihsg UDA TERLALU MAHAL, mungkin satu-satunya cara memBIKIN VALUASI jadi MURAH adalah LWAT CRA$H, yang tidak tau disebabkan oleh apa (aka secara misterius)... well, aye siap lah :)  analisis RUDYANTO @ krisis ekonomi ULANGAN 1998 @ 2018... TLKM, telekomunikasi Indonesia, maseh ANJLOK neh, gw buru trus! analisis ringan INVESTASI SAHAM PROPERTI 2017-2018,  JAKARTA – Indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) pada perdagangan hari ini, Selasa (1/10/2019), akan mendapat sentimen positif dari hijaunya indeks saham Eropa dan Amerika Serikat pada perdagangan terakhir bulan September. Berdasarkan data  Reuters , indeks S&P 500 ditutup menguat 0,50 persen di level 2.976,73, indeks Nasdaq Comp

ihsg per tgl 15 Desember 2014

JAKARTA – Investor asing dipastikan masih bertahan di Indonesia. Kendati bank sentral AS, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), menaikkan suku bunga hingga 100 bps tahun depan, imbal hasil (yield) portofolio di Indonesia tetap lebih atraktif, sehingga kenaikan Fed funds rate tidak akan memicu gelombang pembalikan arus modal asing (sudden reversal). Imbal hasil surat utang negara (SUN) dan obligasi korporasi Indonesia bertenor lima tahun saat ini berkisar 7-8%, jauh lebih baik dibanding di Eropa dan AS yang hanya 2-2,5%. Begitu pula dibanding negara-negara lain di Asia, seperti Korea dan Thailand sebesar 2,5-3,5%. Di sisi lain, dengan pertumbuhan laba bersih emiten tahun ini sebesar 10-15% dan price to earning ratio (PER) 14 kali, valuasi saham di bursa domestik tergolong murah. Masih bertahannya investor asing tercermin pada arus modal masuk (capital inflow). Secara year to date, asing membukukan pembelian bersih (net buy) di pasar saham senilai Rp 47,54 triliun. Tren

Waspada: ekonomi 2024

  INFLASI: +0.04% (Januari 2024) INFLASI: +0.34% (Februari 2024) INFLASi: inflasi pangan Maret 2024 PDB: +5.05% (2023, yoy) Cadangan Devisa : $144 M, aza Cadangan Devisa: $140,4 M, aza Cadangan Devisa : $136,2 M (April 2024) SBY v. Jokowi: ekonomi yang lebe bagus 🍒