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rebounding BUKAN rebonding: IHSG per tgl 10 Juli 2015 (I am back!) = 3rd BAILOUT for GREEK


... rebound itu kata dasar dari rebounding, artinya SEDANG MEMANTUL .... biasanya dalam investasi saham berarti MANTUL NAEK ... nah, gw emang TERUS MENERUS BEREKSPEKTASI POSITIF terhadap INVESTASI SAHAM, khususnya ... well, usaha para PENGGEDE EUROZONE untuk MENGEMBALIKAN KONDISI INVESTASI SAHAM sudah mulai BERBUAH HASIL POSITIF ... LET's see :)

 Shanghai, July 10, 2015 (AFP)
 China's main Shanghai stock index jumped more than five percent in morning trade on Friday, as sentiment turned for the better on government moves to boost the market, dealers said.

The Shanghai Composite Index surged 5.12 percent, or 189.96 points, to 3,899.29. The Shenzhen Composite Index, which tracks stocks on China's second exchange, added 4.02 percent, or 78.55 points, to 2,033.90.

The Shanghai market rocketed 5.76 percent on Thursday, after the government announced additional policies to curb a weeks-long rout.

They included a ban on big shareholders -- those holding at least five percent stakes -- and company executives from selling stock for the next six months and a police crackdown on short-selling.

"The market has not completely recovered yet," Haitong Securities analyst Zhang Qi told AFP.

"But in general it has started to rebound with blue-chip companies more resilient than small company stocks, which will help stabilise the market," he said.

More than 1,400 shares on the two markets remained suspended, Bloomberg News reported, almost half of all listed companies. Trading suspensions tend to slow market activity and defer risk until later.

Before Thursday's rebound, the market had fallen more than 30 percent after a spectacular bull run peaked on June 12, raising fears for the wider economy.

China's economy, the world's second largest, is already faltering. Gross domestic product expanded 7.4 percent in 2014, the slowest pace since 1990, and weakened further in the first three months of this year.

But the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Thursday that there was no reason to lose faith in China's economy because of the bursting stock market bubble.

"There is no particular reason to have lost confidence," IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard told a news conference in Washington.

The spillover of the market rout into the economy is "likely to be small", he added.

Over nearly two weeks, the government has sought to arrest the stock market slide, a dramatic reversal of 150 percent surge in the 12 months to the peak which was fuelled by millions of retail investors using borrowed funds.

Steps have included allowing insurance companies to invest more assets in stocks and a programme to buy the shares of smaller companies.

The country's 111 major state-owned enterprises were also barred from selling shares in their listed subsidiaries by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which oversees them.

kontan NEW YORK. Bursa Amerika Serikat tadi malam (9/7) berhasil ditutup di zona hijau. Data yang dihimpun Bloomberg menunjukkan, pada pukul 16.00 waktu New York, indeks Standard & Poor's 500 ditutup dengan kenaikan 0,2% menjadi 2.051,31. Kemarin, indeks S&P 500 ditutup dengan penurunan 1,7% ke level terendah dalam empat bulan terakhir.
Sementara, indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 0,2% menjadi 17.548,62. Adapun indeks Nasdaq Composite naik 0,3%. Volume transaksi tadi malam melibatkan 6,7 miliar saham.
Pergerakan sejumlah saham yang mempengaruhi bursa AS antara lain: Citigroup Inc dan Bank of America Corp naik 1,4% seiring pulihnya saham perbankan dari penurunan dalam pada transaksi Rabu (8/7). Selain itu, saham Walgreens Boots Aliance Inc naik 4,2% setelah membukukan laba kuartalan yang melampaui ekspektasi analis.
Sementara itu, saham Apple Inc tergerus 2% dan menjadi saham teknologi dengan penurunan terbesar kemarin.
Analis menilai, pergerakan positif bursa AS kemarin didorong oleh rebound-nya pasar saham China. Selain itu, investor juga menunggu perkembangan dari Yunani di mana saat ini batas waktu pengajuan proposal baru Yunani sudah hampir habis.
"Setiap kali menjelang penutupan bursa, investor akan mencemaskan apa yang akan terjadi setelahnya. Apakah Yunani menjadi headline? Apakah China yang jadi headline? Banyak hal yang dicemaskan akan terjadi," jelas Randy Warren, strategist Warren Financial Service & Associates Inc.
Sekadar informasi saja, dalam hitungan jam, Yunani akan segera menyerahkan proposal terbarunya. Dijadwalkan, Yunani akan mempresentasikan proposal mereka pada Kamis pukul 22.00 GMT. Saat ini, Perdana Menteri Alexis Tsipras tengah meminta persetujuan dari para menterinya.
Setelah itu, proposal tersebut akan dipelajari oleh menteri keuangan zona Eropa pada Sabtu (11/7) dan Uni Eropa akan menggelar pertemuan tingkat tinggi pada Minggu (12/7) untuk memberikan jawaban.

Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah
Sumber: Bloomberg
... kondisi investasi portofolio PENUH RISIKO saat ini merupakan TIME2BUY as always\
2015: taon PENUH EKSPEKTAS1, akan TERBUKT1 (moga2)

Opinion: Contrarians say Chinese stocks could rally 29% in three months

Published: July 9, 2015 5:15 a.m. ET

Chinese stocks have fallen so much so fast, a rally is likely

The Shanghai Composite has fallen 32.1% in 17 trading days, which is analogous to the drops following the 1929 and 1987 stock market crashes.

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (MarketWatch) — Rarely are investors served up as ideal a buying opportunity as currently provided by the Chinese stock market.
That’s because the Shanghai Composite Index SHCOMP, +5.76% has fallen so much in such a short period of time: 32.1% since June 12, or 17 trading sessions. That means a prospective rally becomes an attractive contrarian bet. And even though a rebound might be only a dead-cat bounce, it still could be substantial.
Maybe you’re not comfortable buying into a market that seems destined to fall even further. Whoever said it’s easy to buy when blood is running in the streets, as that famous contrarian Nathan Rothschild once said?
To help you develop your nascent contrarian instincts, consider three occasions over the past century in which the U.S. stock market declined at least 32.1% in 17 trading days, as China’s has. I believe that these three occasions represent all instances of a similar drop involving a U.S. market average, though I didn’t examine each and every benchmark. I analyzed the Dow Jones Industrial Average back to its creation in the late 1800s and the Nasdaq Composite to its start in the early 1970s.
Those three occasions are:
  • The 1929 stock market crash (October 1929)
  • The 1987 stock market crash (October 1987)
  • The bursting of the Internet bubble (March/April 2000; Nasdaq Composite only)
The accompanying table shows how the market performed afterward. The returns reported in each row represent an average of all days in that given month in which the market fell by at least 32.1% over the previous 17 trading sessions.

Benchmark Gain subsequent month Gain subsequent quarter Gain subsequent six months Gain subsequent year
1929 crash Dow 16.2% 21.4% 33.8% 5.7%
1987 crash Dow 10.6% 11.4% 15.0% 23.1%
Bursting of Internet bubble NASDAQ Composite 11.9% 28.7% -0.1% -42.1%
11.3% 16.0% 25.6% 19.8%
The experience following the 1929 crash may be the most analogous to the Chinese market’s tumble, since the U.S. market in the 1920s was fueled by massive margin speculation, as is the case in China. Notice from the table that the Dow produced a double-digit percentage gain over the subsequent several months, even though a year later it had succumbed to the bearish primary trend and had given up most of those gains.
If you think the Chinese stock market has been in a bubble, you may instead turn to the bursting of the Internet bubble for a precedent. Yet, notice that, even though the market was a lot lower a year after its initial plunge, it still turned in a respectable dead-cat bounce of nearly 30% over the subsequent three months.
The gains reported in this table might just be attractive enough to entice you to become a contrarian!
A special invitation: The Fiduciary Quagmire
What do federal proposals to impose a fiduciary standard on retirement advisers mean for investors and advisers? MarketWatch is holding a special retirement adviser event at the end of July to explore these issues. If you’re planning to be in New York on Tuesday, July 28, you’re invited to an evening of cocktails and conversation on the Fiduciary Quagmire. The event is free, but reservations are required.
In this panel discussion, experts will consider what investors and advisers need to know about the current state of the proposed fiduciary standard for retirement advisers, and what changes they might make to their personal financial plans and practices/businesses in the wake of whatever final regulations are put in place.
The moderator for the event is yours truly. Our panelists are Robert Powell, senior columnist and editor of Retirement Weekly from MarketWatch; Knut Rostad, president and founder of the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard; Ira Hammerman, executive vice president and general counsel for the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association; and Brad Campbell, attorney and former assistant secretary of labor for employee benefits and head of the Employee Benefits Security Administration.
The evening begins with cocktails at 6:30 p.m., followed by our panel discussion and a question-and-answer period. Seating is limited. If you’re interested in attending, email for more information or to RSVP.


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