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ihsg per tgl 27 Nov 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015, 15:35

China stocks battered, slump 5 percent

By Agencies

SHANGHAI chinadaily asia - China stocks tumbled more than 5 percent on Friday in their biggest one-day loss in three months as a fresh regulatory crackdown and deteriorating profits triggered profit-taking after a recent rebound.
The blue-chip CSI300 index slumped 5.4 percent, to 3,556.99 points, while the Shanghai Composite Index plunged 5.5 percent to 3,436.30, both registering their biggest percentage loss since late August, the depth of a summer market rout.
The flagship indexes also posted their worst weekly performance since August, losing over 5 percent.
Market sentiment had already been fragile as investors braced for a fresh batch of initial public offerings that will kick off next week, and are cautious ahead of a possible US rate increases next month.
Mainland stocks fell across the board, with the industrial sector and brokerage stocks among the worst casualties.
Mainland investors were taken aback by news that China's securities regulator had urged brokerages to cease financing clients' stocks purchases through over-the-counter swap contracts, the government's latest step to reduce leverage.
The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) also started investigations into China's biggest brokerage CITIC Securities and its smaller rival Guosen Securities , while sources told Reuters on Friday that another major brokerage, Haitong Securities, was also under probe.
Both CITIC and Guosen slumped 10 percent, the downward daily limit, while Haitong was suspended from trading.
"The deleverage move certainly have a negative impact on investor sentiment," said Shen Weizheng, fund manage at Shanghai-based Ivy Capital.
"In addition, it fuels concerns that more brokerages would be probed and more executives would fall."
Further weighing on sentiment was data on Friday showing that profits earned by Chinese industrial companies fell 4.6 percent in October, declining for the fifth consecutive month.
An official business survey next Tuesday is expected to show activity in China's manufacturing sector likely shrank for a fourth straight month in November, a Reuters poll showed, underlining persistent sluggishness in the world's second-largest economy.

Hong Kong, Nov 27, 2015 (AFP) 
 A plunge in Chinese stocks dragged Asian markets down Friday after authorities launched a probe into several brokerages and profits at the country's industrial giants sank far more than expected.

With Shanghai slumping more than six percent at one point, the sharp losses brought back painful memories of the panic-driven sell-off that struck China's equities markets in the summer, wiping trillions of dollars off valuations.

Shares crashed 40 percent between a June 12 peak and mid-August on fears over China's painful growth slowdown and profit-taking following a 150 percent surge over the previous year.

They have surged almost 25 percent since that trough after authorities unveiled various measures to prevent further selling -- including suspending new listings -- and government-back funds bought vast quantities of equities.

However, this month regulators said they would resume initial public offerings, fanning fears cash would be diverted from established chips and soak up liquidity.

Selling intensified Friday after Beijing said industrial profits fell more than forecast in October, and reinforcing worries about the world's number two economy, a key driver of global expansion.

Meanwhile, the country's biggest brokerage Citic Securities said Thursday it was being probed for suspected "rule violations" as officials crack down on financial firms in the wake of the summer sell-off.

And on Friday another giant, Guosen Securities, said it was being probed, while second-ranked Haitong Securities halted trading of its shares in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

"The biggest reason for such a sudden drop today is because of regulator's investigation of the top brokers. It has triggered a broader sell-off," Phillip Securities analyst Chen Xingyu told AFP. 

"(The) investigation suggests the firms could be in some serious trouble," he said. But he added Friday's losses were "totally different from the routs in July and August".

- More woes for Abe -

Citic slumped by its 10 percent daily limit in Shanghai and more than five percent in Hong Kong, while Shenzhen-listed Guosen also tumbled 10 percent.

Shanghai's stock market ended the day 5.5 percent lower, while Shenzhen's composite index, which tracks stocks on China's second exchange, slumped 6.1 percent.

The sell-off reverberated around Asia, with Hong Kong down 1.8 percent in late trade, while Sydney lost 0.2 percent and Seoul shed 0.1 percent. There were also big losses in Singapore, Taipei and Manila.

Japan's Nikkei ended in the red after the government said prices fell last month, while consumer spending also dropped, overshadowing news that unemployment was at a two-decade low.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will come under fresh pressure from the results as his programme of big spending and massive monetary easing -- aimed at kick-starting growth and ending deflation -- struggles to kick in.

The economy slipped into recession in July-September -- for the second time since Abe took office in December 2012 -- and there is growing speculation the Bank of Japan will ramp up its bond-buying, which effectively prints cash in a bid to boost lending.

Daiwa Institute of Research economist Satoshi Osanai said Japan's economy was "out of gear", with most of Abenomics' benefits limited to the country's boardrooms.

"That's why consumption is still weak, even though employment got better," Osanai said. "(Any) economic improvement remains at the corporate level and has not spread to other areas, such as the household sector."

The shock across Asia pushed the yen higher as dealers looked for safer investment, despite the expected Japanese monetary easing. The Japanese unit pushed to a fresh seven-month high against the euro while a rally in the dollar versus the yen was also staunched.

The single currency continues to struggle ahead of an expected fresh stimulus push by the European Central Bank next week.

US markets were closed Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

- Key figures around 0750 GMT -

Tokyo - Nikkei 225: DOWN 0.3 percent at 19,883.94 (close)

Hong Kong - Hang Seng: DOWN 1.8 percent at 22,082.87

Shanghai - composite: DOWN 5.5 percent at 3,436.30 (close)

Dollar/yen: DOWN to 122.39 yen from 122.57 yen late Thursday

Euro/dollar: UP to $1.0622 from $1.0613

London - FTSE 100: UP 0.88 percent at 6,393 (close)


<org idsrc="isin" value="CNE000000CK1">Haitong Securities</org>

<org idsrc="isin" value="CNE000001DB6">CITIC SECURITIES</org>, JAKARTA— Mayoritas indeks sektoral melemah pada Jumat pagi (27/11/2015). Sektor aneka industri tertekan saham Astra, sedangkan saham perbankan kompak melemah.
Dari 9 indeks sektoral IHSG, sebanyak 8 indeks sektoral melemah dan 1 indeks sektoral menguat pada pukul 09.39 WIB. IHSG melemah 0,28% atau 12,97 poin ke level 4.584,09.
Indeks sektor aneka industri merosot paling tajam, turun 0,72%. PT Astra International Tbk yang melemah 0,8% adalah beban terberat IHSG sekaligus penekan utama sektor tersebut.
Saham-saham perbankan pagi ini juga melemah dan menekan indeks sektor finansial turun 0,35%. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) melemah 0,81%, sedangkan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) turun 0,44%.
Penguatan saham PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM) membuat indeks sektor infrastruktur bertahan di zona hijau. Indeks sektor infrastruktur naik 0,17% didorong oleh penguatan TLKM sebesar 0,34% dan PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT) yang naik 0,91%.

Pergerakan Sektor IHSG Pukul 09.39 WIB

Aneka Industri
Industri Dasar

Sumber: Bloomberg

Jakarta -Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) kembali menembus level 4.600 meski hanya naik tipis 2 poin. Saham-saham lapis dua kembali jadi incaran investor.

Sementara nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) pagi ini menguat. Dolar AS berada di Rp 13.731 dibandingkan posisi pada perdagangan kemarin sore Rp 13.742.

Pada perdagangan preopening, IHSG naik tipis 2,024 poin (0,04%) ke level 4.599,081. Sedangkan Indeks LQ45 menguat tipis 0,545 poin (0,07%) ke level 795,720.

Membuka perdagangan akhir pekan, Jumat (27/11/2015), IHSG menipis 2,057 poin (0,04%) ke level 4.599,114. Indeks LQ45 berkurang 0,661 poin (0,08%) ke level 795,836.

Banyak indeks sektoral di lantai bursa yang menguat meski aksi beli belum terlalu ramai. Investor asing mulai mengincar saham-saham yang harganya masih murah.

Hingga pukul 9.05 waktu JATS, IHSG menguat tipis 1,642 poin (0,04%) ke level 4.598,699. Sementara Indeks LQ45 naik tipis 0,851 poin (0,11%) ke level 796,026.

Kemarin gagal bertahan di level 4.600 karena hanya naik 11 poin. Dana asing mengalir masuk ke lantai bursa hingga Rp 300 miliar lebih.

Pasar saham hari ini tidak berdagangan karena libur menyambut hari raya Thanksgiving. Bursa Paman Sam besok juga masih libur.

Bursa-bursa regional pagi hari ini rata-rata bergerak negatif, kecuali pasar saham Singapura. Pelaku pasar masih selektif dalam berburu saham.

Berikut situasi di bursa-bursa Asia pagi hari ini:
  • Indeks Nikkei 225 naik tipis 1,99 poin (0,01%) ke level 19.946,40.
  • Indeks Hang Seng menipis 11,85 poin (0,05%) ke level 22.477,09.
  • Indeks Komposit Shanghai berkurang 22,95 poin (0,63%) ke level 3.612,60.
  • Indeks Straits Times melemah 16,74 poin (0,58%) ke level 2.867,95.
(ang/hen), JAKARTA- Asjaya Indosurya Securities memperkirakan indeks harga saham gabungan pada perdagangan hari ini, Jumat (27/11/2015) bergerak di kisaran 4.534 – 4.657.
Kepala Riset Asjaya Indosurya Securities William Surya Wijaya mengatakan IHSG kembali mengukir kenaikan gemilang, dengan berhasil menapakkan langkah di atas level 4608 sebagai level resisten terdekat.
“Walau belum berhasil bertahan hingga penutupan perdagangan, hal ini menunjukkan potensi pergerakan menuju level resisten berikutnya pada level 4.657 telah terbuka,”kata William.
Dikemukakan selama support 4.534 dapat dijaga dan dipertahankan dengan kuat, kondisi nilai tukar dan perekonomian yang relatif stabil serta terangkatnya harga beberapa komoditas turut menunjang kenaikan dari IHSG.
“Hari ini IHSG masih berpeluang untuk melanjutkan kenaikan,” kata William .
Asjaya Indosurya Securities mengemukakan menu saham pada perdagangan hari ini adalahTLKM, ASII, KLBF, ASRI, JSMR, WIKA, MAPI, PWON, BBTN.


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